Operation Outrage Handbook

Welcome Anarchists.
I see you have interest in the operation.
WARNING:This operation is not for pussy’s or ego fags, if you are one, get lost.
Honourable mentions: @FibsFreitag, @Anonympire, and @DomainerAnon. Follow these bastards on twitter! :)
written by: Forever_Way
Table of Contents
What is Operation Outrage
How to Start.
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3


I see you have started reading, good for you. I hope this knowledge will come in good use for you. This operation is for the ones who truly believe in what they are fighting for. If this is all fun and games, get the hell out. You have been warned. Expect us.

What is Op Outrage?
Op Outrage(#OpOutrage on twitter) is an operation for those who care about what is going on in the world. For example, on our main subject: bestiality. So, what action do you take? can’t think of any? First, you connect with people on twitter or IRC[our channel on AnonOps: #OpOutrage] with the same beliefs. Then, you work together to bring that problem down.
I realize this is how anonymous works. This is a much more effective way to work together, if everything is in the same Operation, it connects people much easier and has a closer bond with all anonymous.
Another example: I run the #OpOutrageEducation branch, which educates anons like you, who are reading my handbook, this is how I fight back to ALL problems in society. I educate anons, and you carry out those actions, TOGETHER. That is the key word: together. You see there are problems in the world, you want to make a difference, connect with people that have the same beliefs. You want to make CHANGE.

How to Start
I’m pretty sure that you want to join because you are reading further, glad I got your attention.
Anyway, you want to know how to get started, right? There is no initiation, no actual membership. Either you’re in or out. It’s simple, Just do all you can to support the cause, fellow brothers/sisters. As all revolutions, I must get my word out, so when you read this handbook, please spread our ideas also! :) follow me on twitter: @forever_way
Be careful out there. Now, I’m going straight to the point.


This section is to teach new people how to BE the revolutionary you want to be! have fun here!

Lesson 1
What is happening in the world? Listen closely. Research your topic carefully and and thoroughly.
For example, you research the latest topics on the topic you want. Then address the problem that is within that topic. For this topic, the problem is defenceless animals getting forced to have sex with their owners. 
In the next lesson, we are going to look at how to plan out your action. Before you move on, please process on this information before moving on.

Lesson 2
When you address the problem, challenge it. Then brainstorm with your #OpOutrage group or yourself, how to fix the problem and fight back! You are an anon, do what you do best, stay anonymous and fight back for what you believe. Now, think on how to stop this problem as I said, for example, this could be either protesting on the streets wearing your proud masks, or D0Xing people, or hacking the website or actual box.
But DON’T STOP HERE! In the next lesson, I am going to show how to stay safe and take action without hesitation.

Lesson 3
In this lesson, we are going to look at how to make the plans to take action with. Now, just remember, these plans must be carefully thought out. Let’s take a look at some questions we are going to face:
How am I going to spread my word?
Why am I doing this?
Is this an important cause, or is it a minor one(Try to start minor, but gradually keep going to the source.)
How do I take action?
What am I fighting for?
Why am I doing this? For myself, or trying to impress?

This is the most important part if you want to make a change, so listen up.
Make sure you actually know what your are revolting against. To be successful, you must research the topic carefully. To this, you must go onto your search engines, twitter, and facebook then tirelessly research the whole topic until you are an expert at this yourself. Ask yourself: Do I know what I am fighting for? Is it worth it?

Stay Updated
To spread the word, you must always stay on top of that topic. When you find a new article or any other form of news, tweet it, post s status about it, write an article with a more in depth story. Just remember, DO NOT get your information from an untrusted source and a sugar coated news broadcast on TV. I actually recommend not to watch television, one: for your safety of not being brainwashed. Two: You will NOT find a decent story on any subject because they filter everything you watch to make you clueless on what is happening in the world. So remember, use the Internet to your benefit, it is uncensored information where you can get it for free, whether the government likes it or not.
Getting ready to take action(Planning)
Creating a meaningful revolution demands the habit of quoting a lot of things. What you should know to create your revolution:
It has to be something you truly care about and willing to devote your life to it.
It should help people
It should have a long term impact.
Has to be remarkable, worth sharing and bigger than you.
Now, once those “criteria” have been cleared, you must start planing on what you are actually going to plan on doing. This is where 99% of people get stuck. They can’t produce a good idea for plans. I cannot walk you through this step, you will throw away a lot of good ideas, mostly because they aren’t fit for you or did not work. Get used to throwing away these ideas, I personally know how difficult that is especially if you spent a lot of time working on it. All I can tell you is, keep exploring. Mediocrity must be sacrificed in order to be great.

Food for thought: You are a revolutionary. Do not let anyone say otherwise, stay strong to your plan and try not to get sidetracked. Begin at the beginning and go on till the end;then stop.
Walk your path
You need to expand your consciousness yourself. Keep thinking, keep puzzling you mind. It will expand. And you will understand things better – @Average__N
This is the part where you take action for what you are doing. Walk fearlessly on your path to success. Put your skills to use. You will need them on your journey. The way may seem scary and dark, but push the cobwebs aside, this is the part of mind people don’t normally use. This is what separates you from the other people. You see corruption and seek to make a difference, your mind doesn’t have a filter over it. You must speak up. Spread you word, be there for people, don’t force it on them though, just make sure they have received the message.
Go deep into yourself and dig out the outrage. Most revolutions are based on outrage. This will help a lot when you are taking action and this usually helps making the posters and brochures ;) This is a good thing, don’t let it consume you though, just let it fuel your passion for the movement.
Rally up your troops. No revolution is a revolution without people. Get as many followers you can by spreading your word by either social networking, blogging, etc… Or if you are a physical kind of person, through brochures, word of mouth, and posters. You get the gist? You don’t even have to know each other. Just make the revolution big. The resolution may even start to become bigger than you, this is good.This is for exposure and will change the world.
Plan out what you are going to do. Taking action is not simple. As I said, you WILL throw away many ideas before you take the plan into action. When you take it, make sure EVERYONE knows that is part of the revolution and be clear on what you are going to do.
Break up your revolution into manageable parts.You don’t want your revolution to e overwhelming and fall apart. Try to break it up into sections or phases. Identify which is the most important parts of it and figure out how to accomplish those goals.
Make your revolution known Work tirelessly at the public exposure of your revolution. Try to even expose the accomplishments that you have achieved! This is for sure going to get you a lot more exposure, people go CRAZY for that stuff. Try using blogging snd social networks.
Cause Rules. Make rules for your cause. You do not want to be sidetracked by unneeded tasks. Let the movement and direction be dictated by the demands of the cause. DO NOT let there be gurus and leader exaltation, this will obscure the path of the whole movement.
Keep the end in mind. Do not get side tracked by unnecessary things, I cannot stress this enough! Keep in mind the ultimate goal of the revolution. You must be able to stay on the path to your goal. Get rid of those sidetracking distractions.
Now you are probably asking yourself, how do I stay safe? That will be revealed in the next lesson ;) . but for now, absorb this massive amount of information.

Food for thought: Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it. They probably didn’t and never will in their lifetime. Keep going and believe in yourself. Just stay on the path and you will ultimately find an end in your revolution, you might not, but it will seek an end until it finds one.
Staying Safe (Pt. 1)
In this part, we are going to talk about how to stay safe ONLINE. So, if you get your word out by hacking, social media, blog, etc… This is what you want.
Rule: Blend in with the crowd, try to stay as low as possible, don’t try to stand out.
Include personal info into your screen name
Discuss personal information, like your address where you live etc…
Mention your gender, race, physical appearance. The government can put together the clues and track you down.
Mention your profession or hobbies or involvement with any other activist groups.
Mention your sexual preference and/or relationship status.
Mention taste in music, art, literature, and films. You WILL get identified.
Use special characters, that are only existent in your country, because then that would reveal where you are from.
Too much bogus info. Lot’s of no’s makes a yes.
Blend anything from your are life with anonymous or this operation. Do not speak of us in real life unless you are doing something anonymously, etc…
Mention congresses, schools, libraries of which you have been at.
Mention Time zone. Will reveal where you live.
Post pictures hosted on Facebook. File name contains your profile ID.
Now to be REALLY successful in on-line anonymity, you must change your usage habits. So be careful to post anything related to you, if you must, lie.
Create a whole separate identity for your use when you are browsing anonymously. That means a new user-name, password pattern, email, the way you talk, and the way you act.

Proxy’s & VPN s
If you are an anonymous member, you probably already have a proxy or even a VPN.
I am not going to guide you through the installation and setup with ANY of these tools. This is your responsibility. I am giving you a challenge and helping you develop a mind to work on your own and not to rely on anyone for anything. This skill is useful especially when you are the only one and it is a one man band revolution until you get more people. Or in the worst case scenario, you are the last man standing and/or you have been abandoned. Anyway, I got sidetracked there, lulz, so let’s move on.

Proxy/VPN list
Warning: Be careful with free VPN s, if they aren’t selling you a service, they are selling you.
Tor [Proxy] Free Probably the most used one and it really user friendly and safe. Download: http://www.torproject.org. Backtrack Linux users might have trouble installing it. Linux quick installation:
open Terminal and type:

sudo apt-get install vidalia
tar -xzvf [name of your Tor tar ball]

OpenVPN [VPN] Free A free VPN, So it might have some holes, but over all it keeps you very safe.
FreeGate [Proxy] Free A very simple looking proxy, user friendly, and I personally think it’s safer than Tor, but just to be safe, I use both ;)
Anonymity Online[VPN]
VPNfacile[VPN] Website in French, without limits or quotas. Cheapest price: 5€/month. Pretty much, this should be at the top of the list. But, it’s paid. It’s a really great service. Just translate it into English or whatever by using google chrome.
Remember, use as many security layers as you can.

Browsing Safety
Always browse in “Private Mode” so fewer traces of your activity remain on your HDD
Firefox Extensions(Must Have)
BetterPrivacy(Removes persistent cookies from flash stuff>>*.sol)
NoScript(Blocks JavaScript)
AdBlock Plus(Blocks Ads)
Element Hider For AdBlock Plus
Ghostery(Tracking pixels)
Redirect Controller

System Safety
Ok, now remember to destroy data securely when you are done/when needed. I am going to show how on Unix:
Open terminal and type:

shred -u [filename]
wipe -rcf [directory]

To wipe the whole drive, the /dev/hda is the first hdd(IDE-HDs).

wipe -kq /dev/hda

For SATA and SCSI HDs:

wipe -kq /dev/sda

I know people are going to be wondering why I didn’t include Windows and Mac. Here are the reasons.
I support UNIX systems pretty much.
UNIX is the most asked how to do this stuff in terminal
Windows and Mac users can EASILY find out how to do it, unlike UNIX.
One word: Challenge